
How To Add Pagination To Html Table

How to brand table searchable and sortable with pagination using jQuery?

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The jQuery fancyTable plugin helps the developers to blueprint HTML tables that are searchable and sortable with pagination feature. This plugin is totally based on JavaScript and HTML.

Official website for plugin: Please take intendance of file paths while implementing the codes.

Case 1: The post-obit code demonstrates the simple search and sort with pagination using the jQuery fancyTable plugin.


<!DOCTYPE html>

< html lang = "en" >

< caput >

< meta charset = "utf-viii" >

< meta name = "viewport"

content=" width = device -width,

initial-scale = i , shrink-to-fit = no ">

< link href =

rel = "stylesheet" >

</ caput >

< body >< br />

< div class = "container" >

< h3 style = "" >

Table with search and sortable headings

</ h3 >

< table id = "mytableID" way = "width:100%"

class = "table table-striped sampleTable" >

< tr >

< th >Firstname</ thursday >

< th >Lastname</ thursday >

< th >Historic period</ th >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Priya</ td >

< td >Sharma</ td >

< td >24</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Arun</ td >

< td >Singh</ td >

< td >32</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Samy</ td >

< td >Watson</ td >

< td >41</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Samsamder</ td >

< td >Watra</ td >

< td >42</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Samantha</ td >

< td >Challa</ td >

< td >31</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Samuel</ td >

< td >Miranda</ td >

< td >45</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Samy</ td >

< td >Joseph</ td >

< td >37</ td >

</ tr >

</ table >

</ div >

< script src =

</ script >

< script src =

</ script >

< script src = "fancyTable.js" >

</ script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

$(document).set up(function() {


/* Cavalcade number for initial sorting*/


/* Setting pagination or enabling */

pagination: true,

/* Rows per folio kept for display */





</ script >

</ torso >

</ html >


  • Before Execute:

  • Search execution:

  • Pagination output:

Example 2: The following example demonstrates other options similar globalSearchExcludeColumns and apply of data-attributes similar data-sortas="case-insensitive". It as well handles callback functions like onInit() and onUpdate(). The developer tin can brand utilize of other option settings as per the demand.


<!DOCTYPE html>

< html lang = "en" >

< head >

< meta charset = "utf-8" >

< meta name = "viewport" content=" width = device -width,

initial-scale = 1 , shrink-to-fit = no ">

< link href =

rel = "stylesheet" >

</ head >

< trunk >

< div class = "container" >

< h3 >Table with sortable headings and global search</ h3 >

< table id = "tableID" course = "table table-striped" >

< thead >

< tr >

< th data-sortas = "case-insensitive" >Firstname</ thursday >

< th >Lastname</ th >

< th >Profession</ th >

< th data-sortas = "numeric" >Age</ th >

< th >City</ th >

</ tr >

</ thead >

< tbody >

< tr >

< td >John</ td >

< td >Caprio</ td >

< td >Engineer</ td >

< td >37</ td >

< td >Hyderabad</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Bikram</ td >

< td >Sharma</ td >

< td >Businessman</ td >

< td >42</ td >

< td >Delhi</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Amit</ td >

< td >Chowdhary</ td >

< td >Engineer</ td >

< td >58</ td >

< td >Chennai</ td >

</ tr >

< tr >

< td >Thomas</ td >

< td >Einstein</ td >

< td >Scientist</ td >

< td >35</ td >

< td >Mumbai</ td >

</ tr >

</ tbody >

</ table >

</ div >

< script src =

</ script >

< script src =

</ script >

< script src = "fancyTable.js" ></ script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >




/* Setting pagination or enabling */

pagination: simulated,


/* Exclude 2nd column from global search.*/

globalSearchExcludeColumns: [2],


/* On initialization of table */

console.log({ chemical element:this });



/* On update similar search and sort of table */

console.log({ element:this });




</ script >

</ trunk >

</ html >


How To Add Pagination To Html Table,


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